The Parts of The Sum

This is the tale of a boy who is small and alone, but only at the beginning. As the pages are turned and the story unfolds, the main character along with the reader face their fears, discover music, riddles and double entendres.

They learn to recognize the magic of greatgrandmothers and numbers, the truth about lies, and even the exact place of the soul in one’s body. In so doing, both the reader and the boy come to realize that the secret, in life, is to enjoy all parts of the sum.

Ages: 9 – 15

Pages: 104

Dimensions: 20 x 13 cm

Binding & Paper: paperback, book paper 90g

Author: Camila Schumacher

Illustrator: Adián González

Isbn: 978-9968-583-69-5

Peso: 126g

The Parts of The Sum


